Thriving Your Way

There was one season of my life where I was working three jobs, married, blogging, in the middle of a constant home renovation and trying to stamp out the feelings that come with infertility. It was too much. At the time, all I could think about was “Am I busy enough yet? Is everyone happy with me yet?” But when things started to crash and burn, I was forced to stop and take stock of what was going on inside of me. I was chasing a life that other people expected of me instead of chasing a life I wanted. A thriving life.

Our world is full of so many opinions and expectations. Every day our energy, talents, emotions and time can feel pulled in seventy different directions. It’s only too easy to lose yourself to the static and forget to look inward. We forget one very important fact.

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What Does It Mean to Have a Rainbow Baby?

For starters, let’s talk about what a Rainbow Baby is. A Rainbow Baby is a pregnancy after loss. Even more specifically, it’s a living child born after loss. I myself have two beautiful, amazing Rainbow Babies. It’s an incredible thing, it really is. The beauty after the storm, the promise of new life. All really good things. But today I want to talk about the other, less talked about side of having a Rainbow Baby. It’s certainly the darker, less fun point to talk about, but I believe it is crucial to address. Are you ready? Because here I go.

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One Bright Thing

When you’ve been there, you know. When the world is a gray foggy place. When you can barely think clearly enough to get up and put clothes on in the morning. When the routine is the only thing keeping you moving forward, let alone moving at all. When life is dull and… lifeless. When you’ve been there, you know.

We’ve been talking this month about finding hope in small spaces. But sometimes finding them is just too hard. It feels impossible. That’s when we need to start even smaller.

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Holding Hope

During one of the darkest valleys in my journey of infertility, when it was too painful to hope anymore, someone told me they would hold hope for me. It felt like a release. It was permission for me to pack the hope away for a little bit. It would still be alive, just in someone else.

That has stuck with me. Holding hope. There are so many things we can hold hope for! And so many times when hope seems to drip through the cracks in our fingers.

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